GearHaiku #293 The Little Coffee Know-It-All
brew minutiae on National Coffee Day! Shawn Steiman knows joe The Little Coffee Know-It-All by Shawn Steiman Essential reading for...

GearHaiku #309 Draplin Design Co. - Pretty Much Everything
DDC...so far big name in graphic design thick lines everywhere! The Draplin Design Co.: Pretty Much Everything by Aaron James Draplin The...

GearHaiku #305 The Beer Geek Handbook
noobs need not apply "living a life ruled by beer"? achieve geek status The Beer Geek Handbook by Patrick Dawson Craft beer explored from...

GearHaiku #258 Bourbon Curious by Fred Minnick
for savvy sippers an advanced course in bourbon give this guide a shot Bourbon Curious by Fred Minnick "A simple tasting guide for the...