Gear Haiku #117 Amazon Fire Phone
a Prime-time smartphone new dog in the mobile fight the Apple tree shakes Amazon Fire Phone (32GB) pre-order now for July 25th delivery...

Gear Haiku #88 Otterbox iPhone Commuter Series Wallet
phone case meets wallet carry only the crucial one-piece peace of mind iPhone Commuter Series Wallet by Otterbox Case and wallet one...

Gear Haiku #80 Touch Time Watch By Phosphor
what time do you have? a watch with a touch of tech next gen wearable The Touch Time Watch by Phosphor Cool and stylish touchscreen,...

Gear Haiku #76 Nightlight Toilet Seat by Kohler
lighted toilet seat LED-ing for peeing! nature calls at night The Nightlight Toilet Seat by Kohler Illuminates a toilet seat in a soft...

Gear Haiku #42 Amazon Fire TV
amazon's streamer ready to cut the cord yet? go get the scissors Connects to your HDTV Streams Netflix, Pandora, Hulu Plus, ESPN and many...