Gear Haiku #54 Ticla Tortuga 3 Tent
wanna camp better? outdoor gear for most of us you're a car camper! 43 million went camping last year 2/3 of them stayed within a few...

Gear Haiku #48 Liberty Bottle Works Earth Day 2014
honoring Earth Day crafted from recycled goods red, white, blue and green Liberty Bottle Works Earth Day 2014 Edition Earth Day is April...

Gear Haiku #40 Orange Mud Transition & Seat Wrap
post race or workout sweaty shorts on a car seat hurts resale value The Transition and Seat Wrap by Orange Mud serves three purposes 1-...

Gear Haiku #23 Big Shot Custom Fixed Gear Bikes
custom built fixie two-wheeled travel in style urban jungle chic Big Shot makes custom, single speed and fixed gear track bikes Use a...

Gear Haiku #26 GDC Money Clip by Gerber
your cash and cards clipped sharp looking daily carry what's in your wallet? GDC stands for "Gerber Daily Carry" Holds up to five cards...