GearHaiku #220 Keysmart 2.0
every day carry? organization is key ...nod to swiss army Keysmart 2.0 key holder Adjustable, aircraft grade aluminum key holders Can...

GearHaiku #216 The Get It Together Brass Comb
the alpha dog comb for elevated grooming brassy n' sassy! The Get It Together Brass Comb 7 inches long by 1.75 inces wide Feels great in...

GearHaiku #213 Otter Wax
wax on...water off! sustainable protection keeping your gear dry Otter Wax fabric wax A 100% natural fabric wax for water repllency All...

GearHaiku #209 Auto-Retractable Box Cutter
evolved box cutter stay safer with ceramic a very nice slice The Auto-Retractable Box Cutter from Slice World's first ceramic blade,...

GearHaiku #197 Bee Bald Man Care Products
the buzz for bald guys sensitive scalps can rejoice great for guys "without" Bee Bald Man Care Products A lineup of skin care products...

GearHaiku #193 Lenovo VIBE Xtension Selfie Flash
if you must take them... here's a very bright idea next level selfie The VIBE Xtension Selfie Flash from Lenovo Allows for better indoor...

GearHaiku #186 Zephyr Fire 300 Hand Torch
for post-dusk safety effortless, grip-free carry designed for runners The Zephyr Fire 300 Hand Torch by Nathan Sports A handheld...

GearHaiku #190 Top Stocking Stuffers For Men Volume 1
get ready to stuff great things in small packages but hang on...there will be more! GearHaiku Top Stocking Stuffgers For Guys Volume 1...

GearHaiku #187 Ti-Double 450 Colored Mug
good looking cofffee a cool way to keep it hot must give Ti a try The Ti-Double 450 Colored Mug by Snow Peak Sweet double-wall camping...

GearHaiku #183 Spoolee Earbud Cord Manager
sloppy earbud cords a tangled audio mess wires organized!! Spoolee makes earbud cord managment easy Tangled earbud cords can drive you...